How do I view Flow Analytics

This article will guide you through identifying your Flowmetrics and their purposes.

Where Can I Access Flow Analytics?

To access information about your Flow, navigate to the Flows tab and select the one you wish to analyze. Look for the symbol 📶 on the right corner of your screen; clicking it will allow you to view the following details:

  • Total subscribers: The total number of subscribers in the flow.
  • Active: The number of subscribers who are currently active in the flow.
  • Completions: The number of subscribers who have completed the flow.
  • Timeouts: The number of subscribers for whom the flow has timed out without completion.
  • Optouts: The number of subscribers who have opted out of the flow.
  • Messages sent: The total number of messages sent as part of the flow.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): The percentage of subscribers who clicked on a link in the messages.
  • Total links: The total number of links included in the messages.
  • Unique clicks: The number of individual subscribers who clicked on at least one link.
  • Total clicks: The total number of clicks on all links in the messages.
  • Total CTR: The overall click-through rate for all links in the messages.
  • Unsubscribes: The number of subscribers who have unsubscribed from the flow.
  • Unsubscribe rate: The percentage of subscribers who have unsubscribed from the flow.

Analyzing the performance metrics of your flow is essential for understanding its effectiveness in engaging your audience. By closely monitoring metrics such as total subscribers, click-through rates, and completion rates, you can make informed decisions to optimize your flow for better results.

Additionally, tracking opt-outs and unsubscribe rates can help you identify and address potential issues to improve overall performance. By regularly reviewing these metrics and making adjustments as needed, you can ensure that your flow remains relevant and impactful in achieving your marketing goals.