What is Collect Response & Branching in Flows?

Create personalized user journeys by collecting feedback from your subscribers and branching based on the collected data.


What is the "Collect Response" function in Flows?

The "Collect Response" function in Flows is a versatile tool that gathers information from subscribers based on a prompt in a message.

There are two groups of 'Collect Response' data you can gather:

  • Subscriber: Information about the subscriber's name, email, zip code, or birthday.
  • Custom Data: Bespoke fields created to collect responses in the form of text, single select, number, or date.

For example, you can ask a question that prompts subscribers to reply with their favorite choice of options A, B, or C.

What is the "Branching" function in Flows?

The "Branching" function in Flows is used to change which experience path a subscriber follows based on their behavior or trait. It is most useful after using the "Collect Response" function.


For example, after using "Collect Response" to determine a subscriber's favorite choice from items A, B, or C, you can use "Branching" to split up the path that a subscriber experiences based on their response.

How do I set up Collect Response & Branching in a Flow?

    💡 Tips for successful Collect Response & Branching:

    1. Use "Subscriber Tag" steps to tag or untag subscribers in different branches, helping you segment your audiences based on the tags they have.
    2. Add "Wait" steps to maintain a steady message cadence. Without a wait step, messages will be sent back-to-back.
    3. Consider adding an "All of the Above" option for multiple-choice Collect Responses, allowing subscribers to select multiple options if applicable.