What is redeemable content, and how do I create it?

Redeemable content is a feature that allows subscribers to redeem a coupon through the click of a button!

This feature enables your business to track redemptions and link them back to your sales, ensuring that offers are used only once.

Redeemable content is exclusive to Plus and Pro plans and can be accessed through the Content Hub.

There are two options for creating redeemable content:

  1. Redeemable Button:

    Adding the “Redeem at Location” button to your content allows customers to redeem their offer with a click. At the register or check-out, subscribers select the “Redeem at Location” button on the offer they wish to redeem. This action prompts a pop-up to confirm their intention and location. Once confirmed, the content is greyed out and cannot be redeemed again.
  2. Redeemable Coupon:

    Another way to make content redeemable is by adding a coupon, which also allows the POS system to track redemptions. Begin by creating the coupon under the “Create” tab, choosing from QR code, barcode, or alphanumeric options. When creating the content, select the “Redeemable” checkbox, triggering a pop-up to link the coupon to the content. The coupon will then appear below the content for subscribers to redeem. Once redeemed, the content is greyed out and cannot be redeemed again. Learn more about creating coupons [here](link to the article).

How to make content redeemable: