What is a Flow?

A Flow allows you to craft automated, tailored experiences that deliver timely, customized SMS & MMS messages in response to subscriber data and real-time interactions.

Elevate your SMS and MMS campaigns with Flows, transforming them into personalized, interactive journeys that engage your audience, drive conversions, and build customer loyalty.

Why Use Flows?

Flows make your job easier by automating the process, saving you time, and ensuring that every subscriber gets the right message at the right time. It's simple to set up and manage, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

How Do Flows Work?

  1. Choose Your Triggers Select the event that starts your flow, such as a subscriber opt-in, keyword response, or landing page sign-up. You can also create a campaign flow triggered by a text message to initiate the perfect subscriber journey.

  2. Add Additional Steps

    • Send Message: Create and send automated SMS or MMS messages.
    • Collect Response: Ask questions and gather data from your subscribers to use later for branching.
    • Branching: Design different journeys based on subscriber actions, feedback, or data.
    • Tag Subscribers: Add or remove tags to segment and target different audiences.
    • Wait: Set a delay before the next step in your flow.

You have the flexibility to make your flow as simple or as complex as you like!

Key Features

  • Automated Personalization: Send tailored messages based on subscriber interactions for a truly personalized experience.
  • Zero-Party Data Utilization: Leverage subscriber data to refine your strategy and deliver highly targeted content.
  • Effortless Engagement: Automate messages and interactive content to keep your subscribers engaged and entertained.
  • Flexible Segmentation: Target subscribers based on their responses to maximize the impact of your messaging.

Benefits for Your Business

  • Save Time and Effort: Automated flows ensure the right messages reach the right people without ongoing manual effort, streamlining your campaign management.
  • Boost Subscriber Engagement: Welcome and engage new subscribers with relevant content from the start.
  • Enhance Customer Experience: Guide subscribers to personalized content and offer tailored product recommendations for a seamless journey.
  • Increase Conversions: Remind customers about abandoned carts, update them on orders, and offer exclusive deals to drive revenue and foster loyalty.

Example Use Cases

  1. Welcome Flow with Exclusive Offer:

    • Trigger: Subscriber opt-in
    • Steps: Send a welcome message with a discount, followed by product links.
    • Benefit: Engages new subscribers and builds loyalty.
  2. Nurture Campaign:

    • Trigger: Keyword response or sign-up
    • Steps: Send a welcome message, followed by periodic content and engagement questions.
    • Benefit: Keeps subscribers engaged and builds relationships over time.
  3. Customer Feedback Journey:

    • Trigger: Post-purchase or service completion
    • Steps: Request feedback and branch responses based on ratings.
    • Benefit: Gathers feedback and addresses issues promptly.

Get Started with Templates

In Flows we have template options to help you get started quickly and easily:

  • Welcome Flow

    A basic welcome flow to get new subscribers opted in.

  • Welcome and Engage

    Collect custom data as new subscribers join.

  • Subscriber Birthday Capture

    Prompt new subscriber to reply with their date of birth.

  • Drip Campaign

    Send a series of messages over a specific period of time.

  • Did or Did Not Click a Link

    Target subscribers based on whether or not they've clicked a link.

What is Collect Response & Branching?

What is a Welcome Flow or Campaign?

How do I setup a Campaign Flow?